Amazing Jigokudani Park or Better To Say Monkey Park

The biggest attraction in this famous park are the winter monkeys.


One of the most unusual places on earth is Jigokudani Monkey Park, located on the height of 850 meters along the river Yokoyu. Japan. Besides being one of the most beautiful places thanks to stunning nature, the park got its popularity because of the Japanese monkeys, and if to be precise – cause of their very unusual behavior.

winter monkey
Few decades ago this valley was more known as a Valley of hell, due to deep dark forests, dozens of cliffs and steaming water coming out from the depth of the earth. Most of the time the park's treks are covered with snow, but in spite of such cold weather and atmosphere here, the park has been a home  for many years to winter Japanese monkeys, which reach around 200 species on its territory. But the best part of the park are thermal sources and the major attraction  is to watch the monkeys relaxing in these hot tubs, as they simply love it!


You can admire them hugging, kissing, swimming together – such a picture will bring you tons of joy and definitely bring a smile on your face.

The hot tub season lasts from November until March, this is the time when tourists head to see the famous swimming monkeys enjoying their bath time. The park became a place where you can observe and learn the monkey's behavior in natural conditions. These monkeys can handle cold temperature up to -15 degrees and according to the legend, one of the female monkeys saw beans on the bottom of the hot tub and that's why she jumped in to collect them. This example was followed by the rest of the monkeys and the tradition of having relaxed time began.

Whenever you plan to come to Japan, don't miss visiting this remarkable spot. Learn more about unique places with Vacations Cruise Travels.