Genoa Aquarium, Italy

Cape Ponte Spinola in the harbor of the Italian city of Genoa is Acquario di Genova - the largest aquarium in Italy and the second largest aquarium in Europe.
70 water reservoirs with a total volume of 6 million liters has been built here. The Aquarium of Genoa can propose everyone a wide variety of marine life. The most popular are dolphins, seals, turtles and various species of sharks.
Genoa Aquarium was built in 1992 specifically for the exhibition Genoa Expo '92, which was held here in honor of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the New World by Columbus. Author of the project was the architect Renzo Piano, interior designer of the exhibition were specialists from Cambridge Seven Associates company. The idea was to show visitors the underwater world as it could be seen in the time of Columbus. As organizers of the exhibition raise important questions of ecology of the marine environment.
Area Acquario di Genova is about 3100 square meters. Externally, the building is a bit like a fish tank ready to be launched ship. In 1998 the exhibition area has been increased by connecting a large ship to the main structure. Now Genoa Aquarium is one of the most popular attractions of the Italian city. In addition to the excursions coordinator AquaRing project has its scientific base, which conducts the study and conducts interactive training courses.