The great migration of wildebeest, zebras and gazelles - a grand event that takes place every year in Africa. Millions of animals are sent on a dangerous route, crossing river infested with crocodiles, hundreds are dying, but some finally get the cherished meadows. |
The mass migration of millions of wildebeest and other animals is happening due to the drought: animal go to the places, where it is easier to survive. Predators are following herbivorous animals. Lions, jackals, hyenas are happy – so many antelopes die on the road. |
Wildebeest and zebras cross several rivers in which they are awaited by crocodiles. Weak, small and simply unlucky don’t get the opposite shore. Migration of wildebeest - it's so exciting show that in these months a lot of viewers come from around the world, and the locals also pay attention to this event. To monitor the "parade of animals" a special viewing platform was made in the park, convenient and secure. |
This migration is one of the longest in the world, and it is ranked among ten wonders of the world wandering. For the animals it's not a holiday: more than 200 thousand of hoofed animals die during migration. There are even extreme scenic flights in balloon, where you can see the exhausted by the heat and hunger animals. During migration time, about 200 thousand young animals are born.
In search of water and food zebras, gazelles, wildebeest in July and October are for tropical rains go to the north-west, and in October-December, return back to the south. The exact time of the migration changes every year, and it is almost impossible to predict it: nature itself decides when and what she should do.